Years ago, more than 40 to be precise, I was reading The Habit of Being, the collection of selected letters by Flannery O’Connor that had been recently published. Checking now, I see that my copy was from the third printing. And the book in various forms is still available on Amazon.
It’s a marvelous book, filled with so many great quotations and observations that they’re difficult to keep track of. One that I memorized, and sometimes used in Sunday School classes, was something she said about faith: “What people don’t realize is how much religion costs. They think faith is a big electric blanket, when of course it is the cross.”
It is the cross. That observation keeps coming to mind over and over as I read William Wilberforce: A Hero for Humanityby Kevin Belmonte. Three chapters in particular demonstrate the truth of O’Connor’s statement – the three that describe the “two great objects” Wilberforce said God had set before him once he had experienced the “great change’ and became a believer.
To continue reading, please see my post today at Literary Life.
Painting: William Wilberforce by Karl Anton Hickel, about 1794.
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