I’m reading Vintage Saints and Sinners: 25 Christians Who Transformed My Faith by Karen Wright Marsh, and I’m struck by how ordinary all these famous Christians actually were. I ponder the thought that perhaps it’s our celebrity culture than permeates my thinking about people known as heroes and heroines of the faith.
Consider Christians like Mother Teresa, one of the most famous saints in our own lifetimes. She was a woman who dedicated her life to God, and then wondered why God had stopped speaking to her. For decades. She lived with constant doubt, because, as she often said, God doesn’t call us to success; He only calls us to faithfulness.
Brother Lawrence started adult life as a soldier, was eventually crippled, and had to find something else to do with his life. He washed up on the shores of faith. And it took him almost his entire life to realize that washing dishes was a way to practice the presence of God.
To continue reading, please see my post today at Literary Life.